Grant Program: Greener
Grant Program: Greener

We are concerned about human overpopulation, ecosystem damage, climate change, deforestation, and the extinction of species. We are therefore interested in offering grant money for the various types of environmental projects. We believe that humans should take immediate and decisive action to preserve the environment, not just because it’s the right thing to do, but also because it’s a form of enlightened self-interest. The time for inaction is over.
We are interested in supporting projects by environmental organizations that help to achieve a greener world by:
1) Promoting solar energy, electric vehicles, and other green-power solutions;
2) Educating people about how their daily choices (such as what’s on their plate) can contribute to climate change;
3) Conserving natural areas, including planting new trees and/or protecting critical areas from deforestation, especially in the rainforests;
4) Providing employment options for indigenous people who might otherwise feel compelled to cut trees or poach animals to feed their families;
5) Protecting the keystone species upon which ecosystems depend;
6) Promoting population control through education of girls;
7) Promoting community gardening and backyard production of vegetables and fruits;
8) Discouraging single-use products and promoting recycling and reuse of items;
9) Encouraging outdoor recreation that leads participants to a greater appreciation of nature;
10) Working to achieve environmental justice in areas where marginalized communities bear the brunt of industrial pollution; and
11) Other innovative approaches and sustainability projects.